Sandia Green Clean Blog Posts

Growing Together: Albuquerque Update

Growing Together: Albuquerque Update

Hello Albuquerque Community! As of today, Sandia Green Clean is actually GROWING. Not only are we hiring more teams, but we’re seeing an increased demand from our customers. And that’s awesome! While some of the other cleaning companies in town have chosen to shut...

Sandia Green Clean: Critical Service Under CISA

Sandia Green Clean: Critical Service Under CISA

The governor recently announced new guidelines in order to continue help and support the fight against the spread of coronavirus. We wanted to let all of our customers at Sandia Green Clean know that we are considered an essential business under these guidelines....

Our 5 Favorite Essential Oils to Diffuse in Spring

Our 5 Favorite Essential Oils to Diffuse in Spring

With warmer weather officially (and thankfully) tempting us to get outside and see the hints of spring for ourselves, we’ve been looking around our homes for ways to make the indoors feel a little more spring-like, too. Yes, there are plenty of things we can buy to...

Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Including Home Cleaning

With flu and cold season in full-swing, we would all do almost anything to stay healthy this season. But, as parents with young kids going to school, it can seem impossible to keep all germs at bay. So, give up all hope and take as much Vitamin C as possible?...

Recent Post

3 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day + Local Events in ABQ

Earth Day is on Monday April 22nd and, as a eco-friendly, let’s-go-green company in New Mexico, we’re looking forward to it! Below are three ways you can celebrate Earth Day this year, plus a list of local events you can attend. Three Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day...

Are You Actually Going Green?

There are a lot of products to choose from when it comes to keeping your home clean and healthy. From soaps to detergents, all-purpose cleaners and all the things designed to keep your home smelling good, you have endless choices. And while many of them look natural —...

Our Favorite Ski Resorts in New Mexico Right Now

While some of us are counting down the days until spring, others are trying to hold onto winter as long as possible for one reason: Snow. For us skiers and snowboarders (and those who just enjoy all those aprés-snow activities) we can’t hold onto this season long...

Meet Your “Everyone’s-Getting-Sick” Superhero: Breezy Blue

While there are lots of “’tis the season” things to be excited about this time of year, one of the things that is definitely not on this list is the rise in cases of — just about everything. From colds and flus, to RSV and Covid, the tally of friends, family,...