Is It Possible To Have a Clean Home While Your Kids Are Home? 

Jul 12, 2018

Oh, sweet summertime!  Everything about summer is perfect.  Lots of time with family… being outdoors… activities…. vacations….. never ending fun.  Who wants to spend time cleaning the house?

As moms, we love having them home during the summer…. Well, except for the part where the house constantly looks like a disaster.  Let’s face it, it’s easy to spend what feels like hours every day just cleaning and picking up after our kids.  With so much time spent keeping the house organized, it’s impossible to make time for deep cleaning the bathrooms, the kitchen, or washing the floors.  So, it begs the question: Is it possible to have a clean, organized home and not miss out on all the summer fun?


The Cleaning solution?

Hire a trusted and professional cleaning service this summer and have more free time to do the activities that you love.  Sandia Green Clean is a local residential cleaning company that will come in to clean your home just the way you would – only better.  If life feels too jam-packed, there’s no reason to miss out on what you really want to do. Make time for more fun and still keep your home looking great. Want to host a summer barbecue? With Sandia Green Clean helping you and your family, you’ll always be prepared for guests. No dirty floors to try to clean minutes before the doorbell rings!  Knowing you will have less preparation to do for guests means that you will host more often. And who doesn’t want to be that house?

With weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleanings for your home available, keeping your home clean year-round – not just summer – isn’t just possible, it’s possibly the perfect solution you’ve been looking for! Spend your time doing what you love and only do the house chores you actually enjoy (like organizing or tidying). Leave the deep cleaning to someone else and focus on those adorable (and rambunctious) kids of yours!

Summertime is here and it will be gone before you know it.  Having your house cleaned is totally worth it!  Sandia Green Clean can help you make every moment of your summer stress-free and enjoyable.

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